Google Science Fair Winner Todesco, Remote Control Contraception, And Mind-Reading Google Glass

This week Kris Abel introduces What She Said’s Christine Bentley, Sharon Caddy, and Kate Wheeler to… 17 year-old Hayley Todesco from Calgary has invented a more efficient way to detoxify Calgary’s oil sands. Her bioreactors will take decades instead of centuries to sustainably clean up the oil failings pools. She’s beat out her fellow Canadian...
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Metro Reviews: Window On Eternity, Cook’s Illustrated, Kirby Triple Deluxe,

Here’s my Metro Canada News reviews for the week of April 28th. A Window On Eternity By E. O. Wilson Kindle/iBooks Four Stars Amongst grandfatherly story-tellers, Wilson is superb. The esteemed biologist captures the grand story of Mozambique’s National Park, a place tied to humanity’s origins and now recovering from Civil War destruction, before whispering...
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