NASA Puts Out Call For Canadian App Designers, Makers, Artists, & Thinkers

For the first time, NASA is bringing their International Space Apps Challenge to Canada. Two cities, Toronto and Winnipeg, will be hosting 48-hour build-a-thons on April 19th where teams representing many different fields of expertise can collaborate to solve a wide range of problems. There will be tasks for those who can program, who can build objects, who can design ideas, and who simply count themselves as science enthusiasts. Registration is free, 3D printers and LEGO kits are welcome.


There will be 70 of these build-a-thon events happening around the world on the same day. Toronto’s will be one of the largest and will take place within the Royal Ontario Museum. Mentors and local experts will be donating their time to help participants with their projects over the course of the weekend. There will be judges to offer feedback, but the intended spirit is one of social collaboration and sharing new skills.

Those who can’t make it to Winnipeg or Toronto can still participate remotely by forming teams in their home towns and submitting their results online for NASA’s consideration. Those who participate in-person will have the benefit of the mentors, but also the inspiration of the Museum’s meteorite collection as the galleries will be open too.

I spoke with organizers Jonathan Moneta and James Costa this week when registration began. You can watch my conversation with them below. They say they already have one hundred teams planning to come and between the ROM’s atmosphere, NASA’s creative challenges, and the wide variety of skillsets that people will be bringing, it should be an awesome experience.

For more info visit:

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