Review: First Gadgets To Use Artificial Intelligence

As Apple releases new devices powered by Machine Learning, I review the first set of consumer devices on sale in Canada that use Artificial Intelligence.

Oral B iO Series 7 Toothbrush – $350

This artificially intelligent toothbrush senses the way it’s stuck in your mouth, using vibrating bristles to “feel” the surface of your teeth and create a map sent to your phone displaying each dirty tooth (dark blue) as it needs more brushing (light blue) and finally becomes clean (white). Red means you’ve brushed too hard, warning you to check for bleeding gums. An emoji clock happily encourages you to brush for two minutes, which is worthwhile as the vibrations effectively remove plaque for a “from-the-dentist” feel sure to save you dental fees over time.

Google Pixel Buds – $240

These wireless earbuds listen to the world around you so you can just focus on the music. Artificial intelligence notes when distracting crowds or construction starts up and quickly adjusts the playback to keep your music in focus, but wise enough to recognize important sounds like alarms, crying babies, or barking dogs where it instead lowers the volume so you can pay attention to what’s happening. Unfortunately these AI tricks only work with Android phones.

Dyson Lightcycle Morph Lamp – $850

A lamp that can detect your movement, the lighting in your home, and even your age is one that is constantly responding. It turns on when you’re nearby, dims if the windows are bright with sunlight, and gets stronger as you age to adjust for poorer eyesight. Artificial intelligence switches it to a study light when placed on a table or a showcase light if pointed at a wall. Beautifully designed, but very, very expensive. 

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