Forensic Science Pathologist Dr. Chitra Rao

In 1984 Dr. Chitra Rao became Canada’s first full-time female pathologist. She was also the first in her profession to visit the bodies at the crime scene before they arrived at her morgue.

She joins us to share her career as director of pathology at Hamilton General Hospital. Over 31 years she performed 7,700 autopsies, investigated 380 homicides, testified at countless trials, and distinguished herself as an expert in child abuse cases.

Recently retired, she now devotes her skills to cold cases.

After our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau earned more than 11 million views with his quick summary of quantum computing, we take a look at the Perimeter Institute that gave him his speaking points, including their fantastic public lecture series which you can access below:…SNF2NNA0IJeHUjCyK

And for those in need of a low-sodium diet, we share the invention of Hiromi Nakamura; an electric fork that simulates a salty taste.

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