Online Quebec homemade video games celebration kicks off
Here’s my latest with CTV News. Check out the Quebec Games Celebration here. Online Quebec homemade video games celebration kicks off
Montreal TikTokers Brace For US Ban
I discuss the tension facing Canadian influencers for CTV NewsikTok.
Weekends – Canadian Tech Companies At CES 2025
I join Joanne Vrakas on CJAD’s Weekends to share Canadian tech companies showing cool inventions at the Consumer Electronics Show.
Women In Spaceflight – VR Review
Shot in space, Women In Spaceflight is a VR movie from Montreal’s Felix & Paul studios that shares the thoughts & accomplishments of female astronauts. My Wow Factor review.
CJAD Review – LEGO Quebec Motorized Lighthouse
A LEGO set that celebrates the Lighthouse Trail in Quebec, I review Motorized Lighthouse, the new Ideas set by Canadian fan designer Sandro Quattrini.
Special to The Sun: Montreal Recycling Lab
Appearing in The Sun newspaper Monday, July 15th, here’s the online version of my article on Lavergne’s secret plastic recycling process.