Doggy Prosthetics, Flying Pizza Drones, And Reprogrammed Moss

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This week Kris Abel introduces What She Said’s Christine Bentley, Sharon Caddy, and Kate Wheeler to…

When Tara Anderson, Project Manager at 3D Systems, read about Derby a dog up for adoption born with malformed front paws, she offered to foster the dog and recruit her company’s expertise in laser scanning and 3D printing to create a pair of innovative braces that allow Derby to go beyond getting simple mobility, but to be able to outright run, just a like a dog should.


We hear from Danish scientist Marie Norgaard about the impressive work the team she’s part of at TychoBio are doing in creating genetic hybrids between moss and other plants used to harvest chemicals in demand, creating a process that is both less expensive and greener in terms of avoiding waster and developing sustainable solutions.


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