Designer Wearables And What A Hitchhiking Robot Can Teach Us About Strangers

Jump to the 1:26 mark to listen.

This week Kris Abel introduces What She Said’s Christine Bentley, Sharon Caddy, and Kate Wheeler to…

Dr. Frauke Zeller and Alanna Mager are among a team here in Canada that have created a robot that has successfully hitchhiked across the country, convincing strangers to give it a ride in their cars.

Hitchbot is a project designed to tells us a great deal about strangers on the road and provide insights into how humans can establish a relationship with the robots that are increasingly becoming a part of our world.


Fashion designers who embraced the rise of wearable technology to explore new opportunities include Rebecca Minikoff, who just unveiled a pair of smart bracelets at New York Fashion Week. One displays notifications from your phone, the other is an iphone charger in disguise.


She enters the scene after fashion legend Diane Von Fusternberg announced a partnership with Google Glass early this year to help design a new series of aviator-inspired frames for the computer-embedded eyewear.


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