Online Quebec homemade video games celebration kicks off
Here’s my latest with CTV News. Check out the Quebec Games Celebration here. Online Quebec homemade video games celebration kicks off
Montreal TikTokers Brace For US Ban
I discuss the tension facing Canadian influencers for CTV NewsikTok.
Quebec Technology Turning Heads At CES
On CTV News’ 6pm broadcast for Sat. Jan. 11th I shared some Quebec technology turning heads at the annual Consumer Electronics Show.
Scott Pilgrim Interview With Edgar Wright, Ellen Wong & Bryan Lee O’Malley
It’s the tenth anniversary today of the release of Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World in theatres so to celebrate I’m posting my conversation with director Edgar Wright, creator Bryan Lee... Read More
Watch My Latest Show Reels
A quick glimpse into the different areas of my media career, here’s three show reels for my work in television, radio, and podcasts.
Ryan Reynolds Is Affectinately Jokesy With IMAX Spirit Bears
Ryan Reynolds uses his jokesy storyteller voice as narrator of the new IMAX film Great Bear Rainforest and I can imagine that must have worried executives at first as it’s... Read More