Flames & Fashion: New York’s Hi-Tech Runways & Beakerhead’s Dining Ferris Wheel

Jump to the 1:29 mark to listen.

This week Kris Abel introduces What She Said’s Christine Bentley, Sharon Caddy, and Kate Wheeler to…

If you were in Central Park at New York’s Fashion Week you would have seen 40-foot women strutting the latest Ralph Lauren wear at night. How? They were holograms (well, close enough). The fashion label used a mixture of 4D water fountain screens, projection-mapped videos, and computer generated imagery to bring the fantasy sequence alive and even create a hologram of Ralph Lauren himself.


Created by Mary Ann Moser and former Daily Planet host Jay Ingram, Beakerhead is a wild festival celebrating art, engineering, and science with amazing shows and free workshops.

The week-long Geektacular has just wrapped up in Calgary. There was a two-story, flame-shooting robot octopus, a walkthrough brain, a blindfold concert, and a slew of free family events that had visitors engineering their own food, building robot costumes, and creating their own make-up.

Here are my picks:

The Periodic Table – A Ferris Wheel-Dining Room

This biodiesel Ferris wheel is powered by cooking oil from neighbourhood restaurants and serves an organic meal to riders as they take in a lovely view, accompanied by music, from the wheel’s heights. The menu was courtesy of Chef Nicole Gomes (Top Chef Canada) and included watermelon canapes, Alberta beef (of course) and Absolut Vodka snocones. The experience also included mechanical horses by Calgary artist Lisa Brawn.


The Sisterhood Of Molten Lead Workshop

This one-of-a-kind experience teaches women (and girls) how to build their own flamethrower. Put on by the amazing Flaming Lotus Girls, known for their extraordinary sculpture of flame and liquid fire.


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