Maker Faire Toronto Highlights & Exploring The Brain With Possibility Engineering

Skip to the 1:28 mark to listen.

This week Kris Abel introduces What She Said’s Christine Bentley, Sharon Caddy, and Kate Wheeler to…

Izzie Colpitts_Campbell is a software and electronics artists with the Social Body Lab at OCAD University. She caught my eye at this year’s Maker Faire in Toronto with clothing that can move and react to your muscles. The Monarch, for example, is a garment with shoulder-mounted frills that flap when you flex your arm muscles while the Nautilus is a hoodie-like  sweater that raises a dome when you hunch your shoulders, both are part of experiments into how we react when our textiles can act as an extension of our own expression.




Dr. Elaine Biddis has developed a field of research she calls “Possiblity Engineering“, the exploration of anew technologies that can help deliver accessibility options for those with disabilities. She’s launched ScreenPlay, an interactive waiting room space for the Bloorview Research Institute and Kids Rehabilitation Hospital.



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